Tour schedule for Sept. 20

Location: ISTB-2 Building

Sign up for a tour at the Sept. 18 welcome party.

9:00 -11:00

Session 1
3-D  Reinforcements for 3D Printing
Coordinator: Professor Narayanan Neithalath

9:00 -11:00

Session 2
Tunneling, Underground, and Durability Aspects of Structures 
Working Group on the ACI 544-7R document on Design of Tunnel Lining 
Coordinator: Dr. Mehdi Bakhshi, ACI 544-A FRC Applications

9:00 -11:00

Session 3
TRC-State-of-The-Art Document Development, RILEM, TC 292 MCC- Mechanical Properties of Textile Reinforced Concrete 
Coordinator: Professor Flavio Silva, Vice Chair, RILEM MCC 292

9:00 -12:00

Lab Tour C1:  Lab tours of ASU Structural and materials Engineering laboratories

9:00 -12:00

Lab Tour C2: Lab Tour of ASU Eyring Materials Center

9:00 -12:00

Lab Tour C3:  New Closed Loop testing demonstration Demo, GCTS